
Proje Arşİvİ

Kİtabevİ - P.57/352
Proje Bİlgİlerİ

Konum: Bursa   Google Maps

Tarİh: 1997

İşveren: Dİlek Çelebİ

İnşaat Alanı: 650 m2

The building which is an example of traditional civil architecture is situated on Burçüstü Street in the Tophane district of Bursa. Due to a fire in 1995, it had Iost its roof completely and was open to alI weather conditions. Thus, the roof stucture was demolished, the building construction was eroded and some details were worn out. The original bad bearing structure of the building constituted of wood frame filled in with brick: a half timber construction. The project design kept the original spatial structure of the building only adding some minor changes the new function required. The central-hall plan was preserved but some of the rooms were unified to gam exhibition space. High book shelves replaced the previously existing seperation walls of these unified spaces, thus maintaining the original plan.
Although the number of available rooms was diminished, a supplementary structure in the garden, which did not have any relationship with the building was pulled down. The burned down wooden structure of the building was rebuilt in reinforced concrete, but in order to preserve the original interior details, their surveys were made (such as ceiling, floor, interior doors, eaves). Some of these cornponents were reused after being exposed to physical and chemical conservation processes and some of them were rebuilt according to the survey drawings in order to revitalize the original image of the building. The detail surveys were used as application details combined with the reinforced concrete structure in all possible points.

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